An unfair and crazy rise in your electricity bills compels you all to minimize your electricity use. Even after compromising your comfort and still struggling to manage it to an affordable range. As an electrical service provider in Pompano Beach, we understand the frustration of homeowners due to cooling costs and excessive power consumption of outdated appliances. 

Our firsthand experience reveals that small changes lead to significant savings and more eco-friendly homes. This blog will explore the 10 ways to reduce your electricity bill this year. 

Ways to Reduce Your Electricity Bill | Pompano Beach FL

Energy Audit

To reduce electricity bills it’s important to understand where your energy is consumed. Being a service provider we prefer a professional energy audit, but with the help of the following simple steps you can check it by yourself:

  • identify air-leaking windows and doors.
  • Check your lighting and HVAC system.
  • Check outdated and unproductive appliances.


Use Natural Light

Maximum use of natural resources is one of the most efficient ways to reduce electricity bills.

  • In day time use natural light instead of artificial lighting by opening curtains.
  • Allow sunlight to warm your home naturally, in winter to reduce heating costs.
  • Install skylights or larger windows. 

Replace with LED Lighting

Use LED lights instead of traditional incandescent bulbs. A study assures that LED bulbs use 75% less electricity, Last 25 times longer, and provide brighter light.

Our clients from Pompano Beach shared their reviews that replacing all their incandescent bulbs with LED lighting dropped their electricity bills.

Unplug Unused Electronic Switches

We often don’t bother to unplug the switches of electronic devices that cause high electricity bills. The phenomena of phantom load or vampire energy tell us turned off, devices like TVs and gaming consoles consume electricity.

So don’t forget to unplug devices while switching off, and use smart power strips that cut off electricity when appliances are off.

Optimize Heating and Cooling

Cooling is the biggest energy expense for the citizens of Florida. So, it’s essential to optimize the heating and cooling system to reduce costs:

  • Set thermostats at  68°F (20°C) in winter and 78°F (26°C) in summer.
  • To improve the efficiency of heating and cooling systems keep HVAC filters clean.
  • To improve air circulation, and reduce the need for AC use ceiling fans.

Efficient Use Of Appliances

To avoid energy wastage it’s important to use electric appliances efficiently. Here are some easy changes towards efficient use of appliances:

  • Use the dishwasher and washing machine only when full.
  • Don’t forget to switch on the  “eco mode” on appliances.
  • Dry clothes outside in natural sunlight to minimize the dryer’s use

Improve Insulation system 

Due to poor insulation, your HVAC system consumes more power for proper working. Improve it by sealing air leaks around doors and windows, using weather stripping, and installing attic insulation to keep indoor temperatures stable.

Use Timers and Smart Technology

To reduce unnecessary energy waste use smart technology. Here are a few smart automation in smart technology to turn on and off your electronic devices: 

  • Schedule when devices turn on/off, by installing smart plugs.
  • Use motion-sensor lights for outdoor spaces.
  • Set timers for pool pumps and outdoor lighting.

Efficiently save energy in the Kitchen

There are multiple ways to efficiently save energy in the kitchen:

  • Don’t forget to use lids on pots to save heat and faster cocking.
  • Use a microwave or air fryer when possible, instead of a full-size oven.
  • Turn off the oven a few minutes before the food is done.


Reduce Hot Water Consumption

Heating water consumes a major amount of energy. To cut it down always set your water heater temperature to 120°F, wash clothes in cold water, and install low-flow shower heads to minimise use of hot water.

10 Ways to Reduce Your Electricity Bill This Year
10 Ways to Reduce Your Electricity Bill This Year



Reducing electricity bills is far easier than you imagine. Small changes in daily routine like the efficient use of smart electric appliances, switching to LED bulbs, and improving insulation are enough to save electricity.

As experienced electricians in Pompano Beach, we’ve helped many homeowners optimize their energy use.  Contact Exclusive Electric Service for professional help to save energy with practical solutions that fit your home and budget.